The U.S. energy infrastructure fuels the economy of the 21st century. Without a stable energy supply, health and welfare is threatened and the U.S. economy cannot function. More than 80 percent of the country's energy infrastructure is owned by the private sector. The energy infrastructure is divided into three interrelated segments; electricity,
petroleum, and natural gas.

​The Energy Sector is well aware of its vulnerabilities and is leading a significant voluntary effort to increase its planning and preparedness. Cooperation through industry groups has resulted in substantial information sharing of effective and best practices across the sector. Many sector owners and operators have extensive experience abroad with infrastructure protection and have more recently focused their attention on cybersecurity.

​Corporate officers have a responsibility to stockholders, employees, customers, and the public to ensure continuity of business and production/storage operations. Today's assurance of manufacturing operations depend heavily on the integrity and availability of all enterprise and production facilities and systems. Behind these critical functions is the information technology backbone - with complex information and industrial control, or SCADA, systems.  

Today's corporate board needs the assurance that current assessment and evaluation of all cyber systems supports current defensive measures for continuity of operations. An unexpected interruption in service in any business or field function can impact on revenue and public trust in the market. Mitigation of cyber vulnerabilities is an on-going challenge as external and internal threats continue to grow in the 21st Century.

Industrial Cyber Security, LLC, brings you the global expertise for your security challenges today.
Energy Sector
Industrial Cyber Security, LLC
Enterprise & SCADA System Security
Industrial Cyber Security, LLC