The Communications Sector is an integral component of the U.S. economy as it underlies the operations of all businesses, public safety organizations, and government. Over 25 years, the sector has evolved from predominantly a provider of voice services into a diverse, competitive, and interconnected industry using terrestrial, satellite, and wireless transmission systems. 

​Corporate officers have a responsibility to stockholders, employees, customers, and the public to ensure continuity of business and service operations. Today's assurance of communications operations depend heavily on confidentiality, integrity and availability of all enterprise and service facilities and systems. Behind these critical functions is the information technology backbone - with complex information and industrial control systems of the information service provider. 

Today's corporate board needs the assurance that current assessment and evaluation of all cyber systems supports current defensive measures for continuity of operations. An unexpected interruption in service in any business or service function can impact on revenue and public trust in the market. Mitigation of cyber vulnerabilities is an on-going challenge as external and internal threats continue to grow in the 21st Century.

​Industrial Cyber Security, LLC, brings you the global expertise for your security challenges today.
Communications Sector
Industrial Cyber Security, LLC
Enterprise & SCADA System Security
Industrial Cyber Security, LLC
Telecoms around the world are hacked annually.  Indeed, it is a 24/7 challenge for all information providers.  However, those firms that withstand the cyber assaults and admit their infrastructure and service delivery is stronger because of their cyber security, also recognize it is because they assess, evaluate, and mitigate vulnerabilities head on!  Cyber threats don't "go away," so executive leadership and commitment needs to be at the forefront in this continual challenge.